That was a whirlwind few days. Artist's of Northwest Arkansas Patron's Night , Thursday evening; Mid-Southern Watercolorists Opening Reception and Awards Ceremony, Friday evening; and ANA Awards Ceremony, Saturday afternoon. Whew!
I am honored and thrilled to share that my painting received the Silver Award at the Mid-Southern Watercolorists exhibition this year! Back story: I stayed a few days after the drop off to hear Jean Gill's presentation and hopefully get the opportunity to meet her. Afterward George asked if I would be coming down for the opening, and told me it probably wouldn't be worth the drive (about 7 hours round trip). So I was surprised to receive a letter stating that I had received an award. The actual award is kept a secret though, you don't know what it is until the ceremony. Clearly, if you want to keep a secret, George, Cheryl, and Jeannie are all good choices. Be sure and stop by the Butler Center to see this great exhibit, and great venue. Stop by 4-Square after you're done and get some good ole Arkansas Yarnell's ice-cream. Quick turnaround and made the ANA Award Ceremony in the nick of time. My painting was awarded the "Best in Water Media/Mixed Media". This exhibition includes all mediums: oil, pastels, watercolor, collage, colored pencil, sculpture, etc. So be sure and stop by the ACO - quickly - to see the exhibit. Now...Back to my brushes. "Constant use will not wear ragged the fabric of friendship." - Dorothy Parker
1 Comment
8/12/2013 05:02:23 am
Congrats on your prizes! Going to see the LR show in person this week.
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November 2024