Well hello there. Yes, it has been awhile. Life intruded in the most obnoxious way lately. But painting has kept at least my nostrils above water. On the painting front I had a self-imposed deadline which collided with a real deadline and I worked entirely too hard to finish in time. The sunshine has been a warm companion and I took advantage by painting ten or so hours a day. I am happy with the result. Now I can pick up where I left off a few weeks ago. For your enjoyment I have a photo that reminds me of some really hot days this summer. Perhaps you've been here? Back to my brushes. "We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another." - Luciano De Crescenzo
I've been painting every day, but after the sun goes down I have been watching a documentary about Manet. I'll get a review done soon. I took a break to have lunch with a friend this week. Lunch at CB, and watched the problems develop on the large blow-up piece in the water feature. I'm fairly certain this is for the new exhibit that will be opening in September. The weather was fantastic and we did walk a section of the trail. Looked in at the spot that will be the location of the FLW building. I have put one of my paintings on hold as I try to get another small work finished. Back to my brushes. "My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four, unless there are three other people." - Orson Welles Painted today - eight hours. I am breaking so many "rules" in this painting it's crazy. When painting, sometimes you just have to swan dive and hope water appears in the pool. Back to my brushes.
"The authority of those who teach is often an obstacle to those who want to learn." - Cicero I'm so thrilled to have my brushes in my hand today. Only got to paint for nine hours, but the light was great and it was a wonderful feeling to think of nothing except the work in front of me. As you can see, I did receive word that I was a finalist in Artist's Magazine's Annual Art Competition this year. The letter stated the following: "The competition's entries, over 7,500 were particularly strong this year. As editors, we had a difficult task to whittle the field; it is truly an achievement that your work was among the ones we sent to the jurors." Congratulations to all the award winners! Can't wait to see them in the December 2014 issue. Back to my brushes. "You can be childlike without being childish. A child always wants to have fun. Ask yourself. "Am I having fun?" - Christopher Meloni |
November 2024