I received the news today that I have been awarded the WALSER S. GREATHOUSE MEDAL and a cash award at the American Watercolor Society's 145th Annual International Exhibition. It has been such a long time since the judging I truly believed that ship had sailed. So, it was quite a shock to open up my mailbox today on my way to the post office and see something from the AWS. I thought perhaps it was a flyer of some kind. So you can imagine the thoughts flying through my brain as I read "I have the honor to inform you..." Unbelievable. It is up on their website now, so go take a look at it.
Today I found out by looking at the Camden News that I have been awarded First Place in the Camden Daffodil Festival Art Competition! I was thrilled to say the least, and my family was equally thrilled and delighted. The piece entitled "Chance of Snow" will be featured on the 2013 Daffodil Festival T-shirts, poster, advertising and website. The prize money will keep me in watercolor paper and paint for a little while, and definitely help with framing costs. I hope that they send a copy of the newspaper, the photos online were great. I enjoyed seeing people peruse all the artwork that was displayed at the Postmaster's Grill. Again, it was just a delightful experience, and friendly people...but it is a long way from home. Will look forward to purchasing my t-shirt and poster next year. Hope the weather next year is as fantastic as we experienced taking the piece down this year. For more information on the Camden Daffodil Festival go to www.camdenfestival.com.
"Many valuable discoveries have been made by chance rather than contemplation. However, chance favors the actively contemplative, as well as those taking risks and putting their names into the hat several times." - My horoscope today. Took my painting "Chance of Snow" down to the Camden Daffodil Festival last Wednesday. Beautiful weather. Long trip though, five hours. Did get to have a short tour of the Postmaster's Grill which was enjoyable. It is a unique building. My hats off to whomever was responsible for restoration instead of demolition. Judging is tomorrow. I hope that all who see it, enjoy it. I tried to keep it light and fresh without too much detail. Used a combination of negative with some positive additions. I only used three colors: yellow, green, cobalt teal blue. The combination of colors is quite pleasing. Again, the weather was spectacular. I believe I heard that it broke some records. The redbuds were completely bloomed, as were the saucer magnolias. Okay, that is early. Daffodils and hyacinths were blooming as well. Just couldn't have picked a better time to travel. Family is well, and got to see my parents and my niece.
On a sad note, my Aunt Glenna passed away last night. I will miss her very much. Her laugh comes to mind first. She was an avid quilter and was quite adept at all the needle arts. Godspeed to your next adventure Aunt Glenna, you will be well remembered and missed. "Happiness has a bad rap. People say it shouldn't be your goal in life. Oh, yes it should." -Richard Dreyfuss Can you believe it, I am still trying to finish this piece. Unbelievable. The weather is overcast, the light is dismal, but I will soldier on. I am ready to start a new piece and have played with the sketches. I think it might be fun to do this next piece on YUPO. I have skads of YUPO from Mark's workshop, and only one piece of watercolor paper left. It might be good as a study.
I did see where DAD trucking had cashed my check, and so checked my mailbox for the postcard I had painted for DAD to return to me, and it had arrived. So what I know is that the painting was unpacked late last week, and must assume since I haven't heard anything that it arrived undamaged. That would be great. Who was it that wrote that book about doing the postcards and sending them to yourself? I attended a workshop that he was taking.... George Wittenberg! Anyway, brilliant idea. Quite fun when it shows up, but the postmark either was absorbed by the paper or smeared. That was unfortunate, but the barcode at the bottom held up. Nice memento. "There are few men who do not love better to give advice than to give assistance." - Henry David Thoreau Snow...a nice change. Really pleased with the framing of this latest piece, it turned out just as I had pictured. I don't believe I will ever finish this last piece! I have been working on it since OCTOBER! Okay, I did stop to paint this one painting, and was interrupted by the holidays and travel, but it is wearing me out. Sometimes you have to put away your "be perfect" mentality. How do people do that again? Anyone out there watching the 31 days of Oscar on TCM? I watched "Lust for Life" about Van Gogh, but the thing that struck me was one scene where Gauguin came to live with him and Vincent had cooked dinner in the same pot in which he made paint. I wonder if there is any evidence to support that scene. The best part were the stills of his work. His landscapes are unbelievable.
Negative/Positive...my favorite thing. Embracing and dancing with this design concept is my favorite pastime as a painter. Have been very inspired lately by Henry Kaiser, check him out. Industrialist. "When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt." - Henry Kaiser Had a great day yesterday, the weather was beautiful. Spent some time at my framer figuring out the best frame for this latest piece. We finally landed on a solution. We did "float" this painting since I painted to the edges. Then I took it to be scanned and got to spend some time with Jonathan, which is always fun. He is a wealth of helpful information and can make me laugh too. We speak the same language artistically, saturated color. He checked out my website and liked it, which coming from such a knowledgeable source, was gratifying. He had some good ideas for me and we may have to work on that together soon. Thanks for the good ideas Mal! Perhaps posting sketches would solve my dilemma. Not painting today, looking forward to Mom and Dad coming up and hoping the weather holds.
"As we must account for every idle word, so must we account for every idle silence." - Benjamin Franklin Well, it's official, my parents are even piling on about getting more recent works on my site. I guess I'll have to stop painting and do this annoying computer work instead. I'm always torn whether to put work on the internet at all. If it is in a show, or if I plan on entering a piece in a show, it just doesn't seem fair to the people who actually take time to go and see works in person. I feel I should wait until a show closes to post the work on my site. I guess that's just my outlook, doesn't seem to bother anyone else. On the other hand, that leaves my site rather bereft of my best work. Perhaps it is more enjoyable to see it online and be surprised by it's size or presentation when on exhibit. Oh well, I guess I'll never go wrong taking my parents' advice. So, I will add more current work this weekend after they leave.
Yes, the great news is that my parents had a wonderful time in New Orleans and are coming up to see us this weekend. We plan on visiting the museum, and having a meal. I'm interested to see which gallery is their favorite. I'll hold my predictions close to my chest. I'm going to paint now, so have a great day. "Advice should always be consumed between two thick slices of doubt." - Walter Schmidt |
November 2024