Received notification that one of my paintings will be included in the Artists of Northwest Arkansas show that runs August 1-29th. Had to pick up a print to deliver today so I didn't get anything else done. Have a great weekend. Back to my brushes.
"They say marriages are made in heaven. But so is thunder and lightning." - Clint Eastwood
Painted all afternoon...then ripped it up and threw it in the trash. I don't know what more to say. Back to my brushes.
"What we anticipate seldom occurs, but what we least expect generally happens." - Benjamin Disraeli So I got my supplies out to make these 5 x 5 pieces for a local fundraiser, and the panels I have are 4 x 4. Unbelievable! Why on earth would I purchase 4 x 4 panels? So, went around town to see if I could find the right size. NO. Epic fail. I guess I'll have to paint some 4 x 4's so I can use these things. Anybody need a tiny painting? Back to my brushes.
"Be loyal to what you love, be true to the earth, fight your enemies with passion and laughter." - Edward Abbey Did some studies using blending medium today. Seems to granulate the paint a little more, but for me that is a bonus. Also painted this pelican again with a different background for a local fundraiser. I'll paint a couple more with different subject matter and see which ones work best. Still figuring out this large work. Beautiful weather today, the evening is quite pleasant. Back to my brushes.
"Remember that everyone you meet is afraid of something, loves something and has lost something." - H. Jackson Brown Feeling a little stressed so I knocked out this little painting to find some "Quiet". It turned out okay. I'll try it again some other time. I did some shadow studies this afternoon. Very interesting - the shadows I thought I would see never materialized. In fact, the real thing was the opposite of what I expected. That was a surprise. So that was a well spent afternoon learning about assumptions. Back to my brushes. "A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love." - Max Muller So here is the view of the "super moon" that took place here on the 22nd. Took this photo from my front porch with a regular old telephoto lens. The moon was brighter than the the streetlight a half-block away.
Spent about five hours yesterday drawing. I'm feeling stressed. Back to my brushes. "Wisdom does not show itself so much in precept as in life - in firmness of mind and mastery of appetite." - Seneca Spent yesterday conceptualizing two new paintings. I will draw today and hopefully put some paint to paper. At the very least I should be able apply frisket. I've taken a break on the last painting. I have painted it three times and have not been happy with the result. It works beautifully in my sketches...I'm just not loving it. So, decided to do something else and maybe some time away will help me resolve any issues. I am looking forward to expanding on this series in the coming months. Found 25 small sheets of watercolor paper on sale for $3 yesterday. Perfect for little studies - nice find. Enjoy the supermoon! Back to my brushes.
"When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you'll be successful." - Eric Thomas Just got back from a trip to LR. Got some family time in and took some photos down at the watershed. Got to see a couple of friends at Mid-Southern Watercolorists meeting on Wednesday night. The guest speaker's presentation was about his teaching experience in China. Ran a little long and had to cut out to meet family at resteraunt for a late supper. Nice trip, great weather, good times. Now, back to my brushes.
"The life of every man is a diary in which he means to write one story, and writes another." - James Matthew Barrie Painted about ten hours yesterday. When all I can see is the shadow from my hand, I know it is time to stop. Still questioning as I go forward. I know it could be good. I'm just not sure it is. Soldiering on. The quote today sort of sums up how I am feeling about this piece. Back to my brushes.
"When I was born I was so ugly the doctor slapped my mother." - Rodney Dangerfield Received a very nice gift and note from Joe Miller of "Cheap Joe's" yesterday concerning second entry at AWS. It is a travel kit and a paintbrush. It wasn't a complete surprise as I had received an e-mail that my order had shipped...but I hadn't placed an order. So I contacted them and they told me Joe was sending me a gift. So, I was expecting something, just didn't know what it would be. Thanks Joe! I"ll keep it in the car with my sketchbook.
Finished two more documentaries. I did NOT like the one about Georgia O'Keefe. I believe that if you include interviews with people who knew the artist, it makes for a better documentary. These flat, monotone explanations about someones work are just awful. Having a little more success with this latest piece. Planning to paint all day. Planning some new work and will start drawings today while waiting for paint to dry. Beautiful sunny day. Back to my brushes. "I no doubt deserved my enemies, but I don't believe I deserved my friends." - Walt Whitman |
July 2024